Saturday, November 13, 2010


If you have never seen the movie "Enough" starring Jennifer Lopez, it is about a woman, Slim, who meets the perfect guy or what she thinks is the perfect guy; they fall in love, get married, and have a beautiful daughter together. A few years later she finds out her husband is sleeping with other women when she gets a call from a current mistress looking for him. When Slim threatens to leave her husband he starts abusing her and threatens her, using their daughter to make her stay. Slim then plans her escape to leave and take her daughter with her. She escapes but with her husband nearly killing her in the process.Throughout the rest of the movie the husband tracks down Slim and his daughter causing them to take up different identities and change their appearance constantly. Slim eventually has 'enough' and learns how to defend herself with the help of a trainer. She later traps him in his own home and with her training manages to kill her estranged husband so that her and her daughter will finally be safe. When her husband is finally out of the picture, Slim and her daughter can live a happy life.

This movie depicts the justice issue of domestic violence. In this movie, Slim was threatened and beaten by her husband and almost killed her on more than one occasion. She had to take up a different identity for herself and her daughter because she feared for her life. Many women deal with domestic violence and feel that they cannot escape because of the fear that their spouse will come after them and abuse them more leaving them to be stuck in a relationship. In the movie Slim went to the police and got a restraining order but that still did not help. She asked the cops what was she supposed to do when he came after her? Throw the paper at him? This is a problem with restraining orders because even if a woman, or a man, gets one there is still the chance that a person could violate it and come and harm them. This movie ended with the victim overcoming her abuser but in many cases this does not happen which makes domestic violence a terrible justice issue among others.


  1. I've never watched this movie, but I've heard of it. From what you can described, I can tell that it has a powerful message. Even though the movie ended violently with Slim killing her husband, it still has value in its encouragement for abuse victims to escape and seek help.

  2. I really like this movie a lot and I agree that domestic violence is a huge justice issue. A lot of women are in violent relationships and have no way out. They have nothing to protect them if they do get out and therefore they are afraid to leave. There is very little for them to do besides what Jennifer Lopez did in this movie because like she said what is the restraining order going to do?

  3. I thought the movie was kind of ridiculous but yes, it does address an important issue.

  4. I don't personally like Jennifer Lopez, but I thought that this movie addressed a very serious issue of domestic violence. However, like almost all movies, it offers a perhaps, unrealistic way out, which can sometimes belittle the main issue by making it seem like anyone can get out of domestically violent relationships.

  5. I have seen this movie and I actually did like it. However, I did find it odd at the end where she stands up and fights her husband to the death. No matter how ridiculous I thought that was I still liked the movie. I think of the movie as a great instance where a wife in an abusive relationship does the right thing and gets out when she can to save herself as well as her daughter. A good movie, odd ending but still a good movie.

  6. I thought this was a really good choice of a movie. Domestic violence is a big issue in our society but oddly enough it is not always brought to the forefront, because many people say that a woman should just take care of herself. I think the movie did a good job at showing how a woman takes back her power, so really good choice.

  7. I saw this movie a while back and I also thought it did a great job of addressing the issue of domestic violence and found that it would be really empowering for victims of domestic abuse to get out of these types of relationships.
